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sports dictionary Airsoft


ABS Impact-resistant plastic. It is used in the manufacture of modern weapons (including AirSoft), car parts, etc.

AEP Automatic Electric Pistol.

AIRSOFT see Airsoft.

AIRSOFT, STRIKE The Russian name of the game is conducted using electropneumatic copies of real-world weapons.

AKUM battery.

ALARM SYSTEM Alarm, alarm signal. However, it often means just a fun noisy fuss.

AMERICOS the name of a fighter who dresses up for the US Army.

ANTI-REVERSE BLOCKING (ENGLISH) ANTI Reverse Latch System that prevents reverse rotation of gears.

ARMALITE American company for the production of weapons for army units and police units (Genesco, Illinois). The brands of this company are used by the manufacturer of airsoft weapons Classic Army.

ATTACHMENT POINT it has two values: 1. this is everything that can be hung on the drive (optical kalimator sights, LCC, silencer, etc.) 2. belt system with pouches, backpacks, etc. i.e. everything that can be hung from the equipment on the player. See Drive, LCU.

AUG, AUGKA (DECREASE. WEASEL.) Austrian assault rifle or its airsoft replica AUG (STG77).

BAT (ENGLISH) BUTT The back of the stock.

BB (ENGLISH) airsoft ammunition, a 6 mm plastic ball Comes in different weights and often colors. How much weight to choose depends on your weapons and tactics. See Airsoft, White Cranberry.

BDU (ENGLISH: BDU). BATTLE DRESS UNIFORM army uniform, basically this term refers to the US Army.


BLACKNESS the uniform is black.

BLOWBACK airsoft gun with simulated recoil when shooting.

BOLTOVKA a sniper rifle with a longitudinally sliding bolt (such as M24, etc.), also referred to as a Spring (see)

BOX, CARTON mostly the name of stores for machine guns.

BUNKER, BUNKER STORE something that everyone doesnt like, but everyone uses... Store capacity of more than 100 balls. Unlike Mecha (cm), they have a different mechanism for feeding balls – a portion of balls is captured from the hopper and fed to the place of "distribution"using a large gear. Advantage – you can charge a lot of balls and not worry. Charging is quite simple – the balls just fall asleep inside. Disadvantages-an incomplete bunker rattles when moving, after a series of shots you need to manually tighten the feed gear

BURST FIRE MODE. Automatic weapon mode. The queue has a fixed length (usually three shots per trigger pull). It is not recommended to shoot long bursts, as this leads to overheating and rapid wear of the electrical wiring of the weapon.

BUSHING Bushing.

CAMOC, CAMOC, CAMOFLO camouflage, the players clothing.

CHARGER, CHARGING battery charger.

CHEKUKHA the brand of the manufacturer on something.

COLLIMATOR a sight in which the targets mark is projected into the shooters field of view, so that the shooter sees a glowing mark in the place where it will fall in the event of a shot. The mark is projected in the scope lens (on polarized glass) and is not visible on the target unless viewed through the scope.

CORNET (HORROR) unused, banned in airsoft weapons or alterations based on it originally made for the caliber of a 4.5 mm bullet.

CORSAIR the most common and used airsoft firecrackers and grenades made on their basis. (see Grenades) Corsairs differ in numbers. A smaller number means less power. You should not overdo it, especially if the game takes place in the city limits. According to the rules of airsoft grenades based on Korsar 4 are allowed without restrictions, grenades based on Korsar 5 are allowed, only in open areas (forest, clearing, etc.), grenades based on Korsar 6 and above are PROHIBITED

CUSTOM basically, some external changes to the basic airsoft weapon, designed from one model to make some other. Often a custom slot machine costs a lot of money because it is not a production model

China An entry-level airsoft gun manufactured in China. Often of poor quality and fragile (although already as lucky). As a rule, it is inexpensive and accessible to beginners who want to try out what airsoft is.

DEAD MAN, DEAD MAN location of players killed during the battle. The time spent in the deadhouse is discussed in advance in the rules of the game. Its marked off, and they even give you food at big mass games.

DISCHARGE DEVICE (ENG.) Device for discharging batteries (it is useful to discharge them completely before charging them again)


DRUM STORES (ENGLISH) DRUM MAGAZINE Drum-type magazine, extra large capacity from 900 balls

EG (560, 700, 1000, Etc.) designation and marking of engines for electropneumatic airsoft weapons.

ENGINE drive motor for actuating various gears located inside the gearbox. See Drive, Gearbox.

ENTOURAGE appearance of players, weapons and ammunition (in the opinion of players, the closest to the original).

EPO Electropnematic Weapons.

EXTRACTOR Initially, the" hook " of the bolt for ejecting spent cartridges. In airsoft, the term is used to refer to the window for ejecting spent cartridges, in airsoft drives, the window through which the Hop up system is configured.

FAQ short for Frequently Asked Questions, see fac.

FEEDER (LOADER) tube with a stick for scoring mecha balls. See Mecha.

FILL UP WITH BALLOONS shoot a couple of bunkers at one person. See Bunker, Balls.

FLECTAR, FLECTARN (GERMAN) the name of the camouflage color scheme used in our games and is the camouflage of the modern army of the Bundeswehr.

FPS (ENGLISH) FPS. FEET PER SECOND Speed indicator in feet per second.

FULLMETAL made of metal. See Metalbody.

Fibua. FIGHTING IN BUILT UP AREAS Tactics of conducting combat in populated areas and objects.

GAS GUN in the airsoft environment, this is the name of a pistol that uses a special gas for shooting.

GEAR Gear.

GEARBOX, HERBOX (ENGLISH) GEARBOX the location of all sorts of gears and pistons is located inside the drive. See Drive. The term is used to refer to the main part of the AEGa, a compressor that pumps air and shoots light 6 mm plastic balls at high speed.

GEHA the common name of the German assault rifles Heckler Koch G3 series.

GERSET/GIRSET / GEARSET (ENGLISH) GEARSET A set of three gears in the GearBox mechanism

GILYA, GILI, GILLY (ENGLISH) a factory-made or self-made camouflage suit, used mainly by snipers to disguise themselves on the ground.

GRAIN ELEVATOR same as the Bunker.

GREEN GAS special gas used for the operation of gas pistols. See the gas gun. special gas (refrigerating gas) that is used to work in gas pistols, submachine guns, and rifles.

GRENADES A term for homemade pyrotechnic devices based on industrial CORSAIR firecrackers with pea or other similar filler as a striking element. There are various designs, sometimes very intricate. In addition to grenades, there are also mines. In any case, metal, glass and other traumatic elements as fillers are strictly PROHIBITED

HBAR, HEAVY BARRELED AUTOMATIC RIFLE Literally, an automatic rifle with a heavy (elongated) barrel.

HOP Ap, Hopap a special device located inside some models of airsoft weapons, is designed to give airsoft ammunition rotation, to increase the range of this ammunition. Incorrectly configured hopap, on the contrary, dramatically reduces the range and accuracy of shooting (balls usually fly away sideways)

HOUSE PAINTER (JARG.) name of the paintball player, see Paintball.

IPEXA Abbreviated name of the Heckler Koch submachine gun series MP5. (H&K MP5).

KIPERKA striped (usually red and white, but sometimes black and yellow) plastic tape. it is used for fencing off some sections of non-game or conversely plot areas, on the polygon

KIT, CONVERSION KIT a set, usually a set of parts designed to change its appearance when installed on a weapon model, until it looks like another model.

KLIPSA (ENGLISH) CLIP Clip for attaching two magazines. It is used to quickly change stores.

KUKUBE (ENGLISH) QQB short-distance combat in enclosed structures.

KURZ shortened, short.

LCU laser designator

LOADER A special device in the form of a hollow plastic tube and a plastic rod for charging mechanical magazines.

MARUI A Japanese drive manufacturing company. See Drive.

MECHANA Mechanical shop (from 28 to 70 balls). Applicable to stores with a spring-loaded ball feed principle. It is the most entourage and silent when working (from 15 to 150 balls). It is loaded using a loader (see). Since the capacity of the mecha is much smaller compared to the bunker, it makes sense to charge several mechas before the game and carry them with you

METALBODY use in team equipment and tactics of some moments from a real-life unit (not Reconstruction).

MMG short for Mass-dimensional layout. In fact – its just a weapon layout that repeats the appearance, but without functionality. You can use it, for example, for filming a movie

MODELING use in team equipment and tactics of some moments from a real-life unit (not Reconstruction).

MUTANTS Players who came to airsoft from "parallel worlds" (Tolkienists, role-players).

NEOPHYTE, NOOB a rookie playing on an airsoft team.

NEZOZNANKA one of the most unpleasant processes when playing airsoft. Usually it is punished either by administrative methods – non-admission to the game, or there is a high probability that they will start shooting a lot and on open parts of the body, and with bruises you will not get rid of it.

NICKEL Nickel Cadmium cell batteries The main battery type for AEG.

OLIVA the common name of the team First Cavalry, which appeared because of the color of the uniform.

PDW, A PERSONAL DEFENSE WEAPON personal protection weapons.

PIXEL (PIXEL CAMOUFLAGE) a kind of modern "digital" camouflage.

PLAMEGAS, FLAMETHROWER (ENGLISH) FLASHIDER Used in relation to the muzzle brake / flame arrester. Long nut at the end of the barrel to disperse a direct stream of fire when shooting rifles, submachine guns.

PNV night vision device.

POKEMONGAN an airsoft gun that doesnt have a real-life counterpart.

POKEMONSTVO (EXPLETIVE) a negative phenomenon that has nothing to do with Airsoft, but sometimes accompanies it. Pseudo-construction. Airsoft is used by teams that are engaged in reconstruction, in relation to low-professional and low-quality players. Example: a man in a Soviet sailors vest with a German-made automatic rifle in an American headdress and S. W. A. T. boots made by Haix.

RAS, RAIL ACCESSORY SYSTEM usually a steel rail mounted on a weapon, for attaching accessories to it (lantern, LCC, etc.).

RECONSTRUCTION The process of simulating real military formations in various areas (uniforms, equipment, tactics, etc.). It is used by some airsoft teams. See Airsoft.

RED GAS stronger than Green gas. See Green Gas. The type of gas used in Airsoft. Creates a pressure higher than the Green gas, which increases the speed of the flying ball. Use is limited to the weapons capabilities.

REENACTOR a person who recreates an era, event, or army.

REPLICA something that looks like something that actually exists, but was made either at a later time or from other materials.

RIS, RAIL INTERFACE SYSTEM usually a steel rail mounted on a weapon, for attaching sighting devices to it.

RPS Belt And Shoulder System.

SAUSAGE, SAUSAGE WARS games that are played at a fast pace, with free division into sides, and without a deadhouse. See Deadhouse.

SHAROMET airsoft weapons.


SHNYAGA basically, it means various things that are part of the players equipment.

SILENCER, PBS a device for silent shooting. Aka "glushak", aka "glushman", aka "tikhar"

SKB (ENGLISH) CQB. CLOSE QUARTER BATTLE basically, it characterizes the manner of fighting at short distances and high speeds.

SKIING (KAMCHATKA.) "finding a loophole in the rules of the game that is not specified in the rules and gives one of the parties an advantage" (c) Philip. And at the same time deliberately leading the game to a dead end, using these loopholes

SNIPERKA sniper weapons.

SPRING Airsoft weapons, where the mainspring is cocked due to the players mechanical energy (distorting the bolt, pump). Single-player shooting mode only.

THE GUN LAW Federal Law No. 150 FZ of December 13, 1996 "On weapons", which establishes what can be considered a weapon and what is not, and it is necessary to refer to it when communicating with the police, explaining that the formidable barrel in the hands is not a weapon at all. Recommended reading for everyone.

THE UNCONSCIOUS PERSON (AKA MACLEOD) a person who maliciously refuses to admit being hit by airsoft ammunition during a game. the term applies to a person who often consciously or unconsciously ignores being hit by other players.

THIN TRUNK this means a barrel with an internal diameter of less than 6.08 mm.

TRACER a special nozzle for airsoft weapons, which allows you to use special tracer balls to simulate shooting tracer bullets. (tracer bullets are special, usually quite expensive)

TUNING (TYUN) upgrade airsoft weapons to improve their shooting parameters or appearance. Very often it is aimed at increasing the energy of the shot. In this regard, there are restrictions in airsoft – under what conditions what tune can be used. (This is spelled out in the Rules). Approximately your tune can be determined from the tables, if the muzzle velocity of your weapon is known (measured by the chronograph)

USP, UNIVERSAL SELF Loading Pistol Literally, a universal self-loading pistol.

UZYAKA submachine gun UZI (UZI).

WET GAME playing in the pouring rain.

WHITE CRANBERRIES used in airsoft ammunition, most often a plastic ball with a diameter of 6 mm and a weight of 0.12 to 0.43 grams.

WOODLAND american camouflage pattern.

ZHPS (ENGLISH) GPS. GLOBAL POSITIONING SYSTEM Literally, a global positioning system, a special device for navigation (not only sea and automobile).

balaclava a special face mask that has one or more slits (for example, for eyes, nose, or mouth).

balls airsoft ammunition, see BB, White cranberry, Airsoft. It is better not to use cheap Chinese ones that are sold in the markets along with toys. There is a high chance that it will fall apart and jam in the trunk. It is also highly discouraged to collect already spent ammunition on the battlefield – the balls usually deform and can damage the barrel.

drive electropneumatic airsoft weapons. See Airsoft.

eggs double-drum bunker magazine type C Mag. See Bunker.

marker The designation of the weapon used in paintball is not related to airsoft. See Paintball.

pp Submachine gun.

regrinding boring of pneumatic weapons (usually 4.5 mm to 6 mm caliber). Airsoft is prohibited by THE RULES.

rules they must be known and strictly proprolnyat