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sports dictionary Extreme sports


ABASIA impaired ability to walk while maintaining other leg movements; occurs more frequently in hysteria.

ABSOLUTE SCALE a variant of the scale designed to measure continuous properties of an object, for which all 4 types of relationships are performed.

ABSOLUTE THRESHOLD view of the touch threshold.

ABULIA psychopathological syndrome characterized by lethargy, lack of initiative and motivation for activity.

ACTIVATION IS PHYSIOLOGICAL It is associated with the function of the centers located at the base of the brain. These centers contain the mechanisms of awakening; it is at this level that signals from the external world and from the body itself are collected and classified before they are sent to the cerebral cortex, if they are important enough. The resulting activation of higher centers allows the body to stay awake and closely monitor signals from the environment, which ensures that it maintains physiological and mental balance.

ADAPTABILITY (MALADAPTIVITY) trends in the functioning of a purposeful system, determined by the compliance or non-compliance of its goals and results achieved in the course of its activities.

ALEXITHYMIA inability of the patient to name emotions experienced by himself or others, i.e. to translate them into a verbal plan.

ASCETICISM an ancient concept that means preparing athletes for sports competitions. In the future, it received an expanded interpretation and began to mean the struggle against vices and the pursuit of a virtuous life. Thus, for the Pythagoreans, asceticism was a set of rules necessary for achieving the truth.

AUTOIDENTIFICATION, AUTOIDENTIFICATION self-determination, identification (identification) of oneself with another or others (group).

AUTOMATISM background coordination in the lower levels of movement construction, created and activated by the upper level.

AVERSIVE THERAPY the general name of a group of therapeutic methods based on the use of unpleasant (aversive) stimuli.

CATHARSIS (ABREACTION) emotional response to previously suppressed painful experiences.

CATHEXIS the focus of psychic energy (libido) on the object and fixation on it. The object can be a real object, an idea, or a form of behavior

CONVERSION RATE a form of psychological protection that manifests itself in the somatization of psychopathological manifestations.

COUNTERTRANSFERENCE "transference" in the course of therapy of the doctors attitude to the patient (and vice versa).

DENIAL a form of psychological protection that consists in complete or partial denial of awareness of a traumatic situation; unconscious ignoring of events in the external and internal world.

EGO (ID) the concept that characterizes "reasonable" ("instinctive") activity.

EMPATHY the ability of a person to simultaneously experience the emotions that arise in another person in the process of communicating with him.

EXCITABILITY the property of living beings to come to a state of arousal under the influence of stimuli or stimuli with the preservation of its traces for a certain time.

EXTERNALIZATION a form of psychological defense (the opposite of internalization), in which insurmountable obstacles are recognized as "forced", due to external factors (according to K. Horney).

FRUSTRATION negative mental state caused by the inability to meet certain needs.

GENDER IDENTITY awareness of the individuals gender identity.

GROUP INTERACTION the process of direct or indirect influence of multiple objects (subjects) on each other, generating their mutual conditionality and connection; occurs both between parts of groups and between whole groups. It acts as an integrating factor that promotes the formation of structures.

HYSTERIA pathoharacterological disorder associated with an excessive tendency to suggestion and autosuggestion, as well as a weakness of conscious control over behavior.

IDENTIFICATION a form of psychological protection.

IMPULSIVITY a character trait expressed in the tendency to act without hesitation.

INFERIORITY COMPLEX theoretical concept in individual psychology.

INFLUENCE IS FUNCTIONAL The type of influence, the nature, intensity and focus of which are determined not by the personal characteristics of the interaction partners, but by their role positions. In contrast to the individually specific influence, it occurs due to the translation of activity patterns regulated by the role arrangement of forces, and due to the demonstration of a certain set of methods of action that do not go beyond the role prescriptions.

INSIGHT a moment of insight, grasping certain relationships and the structure of the situation as a whole, not deduced from the subjects past experience.

INTELLECTUALIZATION a form of psychological protection that manifests itself in abstracting from traumatic experiences.

INTERACTION OF ANALYZERS one of the manifestations of the unity of the sensory sphere. Changes in the functional state of one analyzer as a result of stimulation of another analyzer are particularly well studied. The revealed patterns of violation of the interaction of analyzers are used in the diagnosis of diseases.

INTERNALIZATION a form of psychological protection in which insurmountable obstacles are rejected as "undesirable".

INTROJECTION the opposite of projection, the replacement of external objects with their internal images, which play an important role in the formation of the "super-ego", conscience, etc.

INTROSPECTION a method of psychological analysis, monitoring your own mental processes without using any tools or standards.

ISOLATION IN PERSONALITY PSYCHOLOGY a form of psychological protection.

LIBIDO a set of" life-affirming " instincts (in the narrow sense of the word sexual desire).

MASOCHISM a phenomenon that encompasses a wide range of ways to derive pleasure from suffering: normal or pathological, physical or moral.

MOTION AUTOMATION one of the ways to form the operators response, which is typical for the last stage of training.

NEUROSIS psychogenic affect or a symptom of a personality disorder, which is a symbolic manifestation of a conflict rooted in the childs psyche of the subject and represents a compromise between desire and protection from it.

OBSESSIONS states when thoughts, memories, fears, drives, actions, and feelings that lead to impaired activity are reproduced uncontrollably and irresistibly.

PERCEPTUAL PROTECTION a form of psychological protection that manifests itself in an unconscious "difficulty" in perceiving psychotraumatic information.

PERSONALITY (FROM THE LATIN INDIDUUM indivisible, individual) is a concept that denotes the individual pace and rhythm of mental processes, the degree of stability of feelings.

PREEMPTION a form of psychological protection.

PROJECTION a form of psychological protection, the unconscious endowment of another with their own traits and properties.

PROJECTION(FROM LATIN PROJECTIO rushing forward) is a psychological mechanism.

PSYCHOANALYSIS founded by Z. First developed by Freud in the late nineteenth century as a method of studying and treating hysterical neuroses; later it developed into a theory that focuses on the driving forces of mental life, motives, drives, and meanings. The structural scheme of the psyche is defined as 3 levels: conscious, subconscious, and unconscious. Studying and understanding the relationships between levels in the process of psychoanalytic therapy leads to the elimination of painful symptoms.

PSYCHODYNAMICS one of the psychoanalytic theories describing human behavior and motivation.

PSYCHOLOGICAL ACTIVATION continuation of physiological activation. It is associated with decoding external signals, depending on the level of wakefulness and state of consciousness, as well as on the needs, tastes, interests and plans of a person.

PSYCHOLOGICAL PROTECTION a system of mechanisms aimed at minimizing negative experiences associated with conflicts that endanger the integrity of the individual. Such conflicts can be provoked as contradictory

PSYCHOSIS a general mental disorder characterized by the disintegration of the individual and the inability to relate to others.

RATIONALIZATION a form of psychological defense that is manifested by the desire for a" reasonable " explanation of ones own wrong or unconscious actions.

REGRESSION a "return" to a more infantile response.

REPRESSION a form of psychological protection, suppression, and banishment of unpleasant memories, images, and thoughts that cause pain and displeasure.

RESPONSE TIME adequate awareness of a previously" repressed " psychotraumatic situation in order to relieve emotional tension. In a psychoanalytic situation, safe conditions are created for this.

REVERSION "conversion" of an instinct to the opposite sign.

RIGIDITY unwillingness to change the action program in accordance with new situational requirements.

SADISM sexual satisfaction by causing suffering or humiliation to the sexual partner.

SELF-AFFIRMATION the individuals desire to achieve and maintain a certain self-affirmation.

SOCIALIZATION the process of assigning a persons social experience, first of all, a system of social roles. This process is carried out in the family, preschool institutions, schools, labor and other collectives.

SUBLIMATION a form of psychological defense in which instinctive drives that are unacceptable to consciousness are directed to socially and personally acceptable goals.

SUGGESTIBILITY increased compliance with urges.

SYMBOLIZATION one of the unconscious mental processes that define "dream distortion".

THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND a term that combines the preconscious (facts that can be realized) and the unconscious.

THICKENING one of the unconscious mental processes that determines the occurrence of sleep.

TRANSFER/TRANSFER an empirical phenomenon recorded in psychoanalysis. Transfer by the patient to the therapist of his feelings that he experienced in early childhood in relation to significant others, such as parents. It can be positive or negative.

TRANSFER/TRANSFER SERVICE an empirical phenomenon recorded in psychoanalysis. Transfer by the patient to the therapist of his feelings that he experienced in early childhood in relation to significant others, for example, parents

VALIDITY one of the most important characteristics of psychodiagnostic methods and tests, one of the main criteria for their quality. This concept is close to the concept of reliability, but not quite identical.

VEGETATION THERAPY a type of body-oriented therapy founded by V. Reich. According to him, any containment of energy leads to the formation of "muscle shells"; since the soul and body are one, "dissolving" these shells can help the client release restrained, stagnant energy and thereby alleviate mental suffering. The main methods of vegetotherapy are associated with massage and breathing, as well as with motor and voice exercises of various types.

VERBAL in psychology, a term for denoting the forms of sign material, as well as the processes of operating with this material.

VERIFICATION when testing scientific concepts, proof or other convincing demonstration that the phenomena included in the scope and content of this concept really exist and correspond to the definition of the concept. This also implies the existence of a method of experimental verification of the phenomenon described by the concept. Verification is performed by means of an appropriate psychodiagnostic procedure.

devotion a complex of positive feelings that excludes sexuality.

feelings emotional experiences of a person, which reflect the stable attitude of an individual to certain objects or processes of the surrounding world.

intuition non-formalized knowledge based on experience.

object an item used to relieve emotional stress during psychotherapy.

performance a form of "psychic image" (conscious or subconscious).

psychology the science of laws, mechanisms, and facts of human and animal mental life.

satisfaction a thought (action) that relieves emotional tension. PHLEGMATIC temperament in the Hippocratic classification. PHOBIAS obsessive-compulsive states of fear.