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sports dictionary Ski racing


3EXPOSURE OF BREATH BY SWIMMERS Swimmers hold their breath for several cycles to increase the pace and strength of hand strokes During competitions, this technique is used at the start and finish segments of sprint distances: after the start, athletes hold their breath for 2-4 cycles of movements, at the finish-for the last 5-10 m of the distance

A TURN IN SWIMMING An element of swimming technique, Turning is conventionally divided into the following phases: swimming up to the wall, rotation, pushing and sliding, starting swimming movements and reaching the surface of the water By the moment of inspiration, turns are divided into open and closed, by the nature of rotation – into simple and complex

ACCELERATOR The same substance as the powder, only in compressed form, which significantly improves the sliding of skis; it is applied to the surface after paraffin treatment both hot (with an iron) and cold (with a cork)

ACCLIMATIZATION OF THE SKIER the process of adaptation of the skiers body to changes in the conditions associated with climbing a mountain.

AIRBOARD inflatable sled made of synthetic material, which is inflated with air. Go down on them in the head-first position.

ALPINE BIATHLON one of the types of skiing that combines downhill and slalom

ALPINE SKIING a winter sport in which an athlete descends from a mountainside on a specially prepared downhill ski track. Alpine biathlon, slalom, giant and supergiant slalom, and downhill skiing are combined under the concept of alpine skiing. The International Ski Federation (FIS) accepted alpine skiing into its membership in 1924. It was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1936.

ALTERNATE FOUR-STEP STROKE A method of movement on skis, in which two alternate repulsions with the hands are performed for four repulsions with the feet

ALTERNATE TWO-STEP STROKE This is the main classic move, when the athlete alternately pushes off with his feet and hands (push with the right foot, left hand, etc.)

AMERICAN RABBIT The American version of the six-stroke crawl differs from the Australian version in that the swimmer lies on his chest, the face is completely lowered into the water, the hand after entering the water slides forward and smoothly performs a long stroke At the moment when one hand enters the water, the other begins the second half of the stroke with the legs moving from the hip the cycle of hand movements accounts for six kicks

ANGLE OF ATTACK OF THE SWIMMERS BODY Orientation of the swimmers body in the water flow Angle formed by the longitudinal axis of the body and the line of direction of movement of the swimmer It can be positive if the shoulder girdle is located above the pelvis, and negative when the shoulder girdle is located below the pelvis With a negative angle of attack, a force occurs that drowns the swimmer With an increase in the angle of attack, 10-15°, not rational

ANGLE OF DEPARTURE OF THE SWIMMER Angle when starting from the nightstand between the horizontal and the longitudinal axis of the swimmers body The optimal angle of departure of the swimmer is 15-20°

ANGULAR POSITION bent at an angle in the lower back and knees position of the skier on the track, combined with a screw twist of the body.

APPLIED SWIMMING Swimming included in professional and applied physical training: rescuing drowning people, diving in length and depth, swimming through water obstacles, etc. In addition to the sports methods of crawl and breaststroke, sideways swimming, backstroke swimming and various methods of diving are used for applied purposes

APRES SKI (APRES Ski, After Ski) various recreational activities that occupy leisure time in the ski resort. These include recreation in the restaurant, sauna, swimming pool, disco, billiard club, sports club classes, wellness programs and spa treatments.

ARTIFICIAL SWIMMING POOL Construction for water sports; has a bath (usually reinforced concrete) 25.50 m long, 15-25 m wide and 1.2-2.2 m deep; starting raft, starting tables, utility and auxiliary rooms It includes devices for water purification, disinfection (using chlorine, silver, ozone) and heating up to 24-28 hours.? There are indoor and outdoor (heated water) artificial swimming pools

ARTISTIC SWIMMING See Synchronized swimming

AUSTRALIAN RABBIT Two-stroke crawl The Australian version differs from the modern one in that the swimmer lies on his chest, his head is high above the water, performs short strokes with his arms bent at the elbow joints, noticeably bending his legs at the knee joints, and hits his feet hard in the water.

AUTOCARVES an advanced alpine ski design, with deep side cutouts that allow the skier to enter the carving turn without much effort.

BABY ELEVATOR entertainment device in the form of an escalator for lifting children.

BACKCOUNTRY one of the winter sports. Downhill skiing or snowboarding outside the ski area, on untrained slopes, away from resorts or ski bases.

BACKFLIP a head somersault performed with a rock during the descent.

BACKSIDE a turn performed on the back edge.

BACKSTROKE This style has no sporting significance The swimmer lies on his back, Hands perform a simultaneous stroke in the direction of the hips, then the hands are carried b and p through the air Leg movements-characteristic of breaststroke

BACKSTROKE TWIST When swimming in this way, three rotation options are used: an open turn around the anterior-posterior (vertical) axis, a closed turn with the body rotating around the anterior-posterior and transverse axes, and a high-speed turn with the body rotating around the longitudinal, anterior-posterior and transverse axes

BASE smooth snowboard surface that glides over the snow cover.

BELT LIFT (FOR CHILDREN) flexible escalator walkway for lifting children in closed areas (entertainment centers) or on childrens training tracks.

BERM a snow bank that forms on the outside of the skis during a turn. It helps skiers maintain stability on the track.

BIG AIR air) performing various tricks by a skier while jumping from a large ski jump.

BLACK DIAMOND This is how North American routes are designated for difficulty equivalent to red routes.

BLACK TRACK a technically challenging track designed for high professional level athletes. These trails are not prepared by snowmobiles, so they have a lot of hard hills, a difficult profile, narrow places, steep, with differences, slopes and virgin snow.

BLUE HIGHWAY a track for skiers of elementary and intermediate level of training. It is steeper than the green one, so you can ride at speed and make turns with a large radius. Such routes are carefully prepared by snowmobiles, the presence of bumps and sudden changes is not allowed.

BODY PLANE FRONTAL Plane that divides the body into anterior and posterior halves

BODY PLANE SAGITTAL A plane that runs strictly in the middle of the body and divides it into left and right halves

BORDERCROSS COURSE ( BOARDERCROSS) a type of sports competition, when skiers, starting at the same time, descend on a track with a difficult terrain. The track is specially prepared beforehand.

BRAKING SYSTEM An action aimed at reducing the speed of a moving skier

BREASTSTROKE Method of sports swimming The swimmer lies on his chest, the shoulder girdle is parallel to the surface of the water Both hands move simultaneously and symmetrically During the stroke, they perform movements from the front to the sides to the shoulder girdle, after which, bending at the elbows and pulling the elbows to the chest, they are carried forward under water The legs move simultaneously and symmetrically When Then, spreading the feet to the sides, the swimmer performs a vigorous and symmetrical push back with his feet

BREASTSTROKE CLASSIC The most common version of the breaststroke swimming technique: the swimmers face is above the water, the inhalation is carried out in the middle of the stroke with his hands, the legs perform wide movements to the sides and back After the working movement of the legs, a long glide in the extended position follows

BREASTSTROKE DIVING Swimming underwater breaststroke The technique of leg movements is the same as when swimming breaststroke, only flexing the legs in the hip joints less Hand movements can be of two options: the same as when swimming breaststroke; extended stroke with hands up to the hips (similar to the stroke when swimming in the butterfly method)

BREASTSTROKE PLANNING A type of breaststroke that is characterized by a smooth sliding of the front part of the body forward up at the moment of inspiration (planning body position)

BREASTSTROKE TEMPO Breaststroke with partially combined coordination of working movements of the arms and legs The arms and legs play an approximately equal role in creating driving forces: the arms perform movements continuously without pauses and delays, with pronounced flexion in the elbow joints during the main part of the stroke, the legs perform an effective push back with a narrow foot position Inspiration begins only after the final completion of the

BREASTSTROKE WITH A LATE BREATH A type of breaststroke, when inhaling is performed after rowing with the hands Inhaling begins after the completion of the push-off phase with the hands, when the hands of the arms bent at the elbow joints are energetically directed inwards. In some cases, inhaling is performed even later – in the first half of the phase of bringing the arms forward

BUKOVEL the number one ski resort in Ukraine.

BURNOUT Defect in manual cycling of skis that occurs when using a blunt cycle or when pressing unevenly when removing plastic

CABLE CAR a device for lifting tourists. Chairs or wagons are moved up the rope, which is fixed to the supports. The cable car can be up to 12 km long, and tourists can climb up to 3 km high. The cars move at a speed of 1.5-11 m / sec.

CARVING (CARVING) a skiing technique in which the skier develops a very high speed, laying long arcs with a large diameter.

CARVING SKIS, CARVINGS they are used for skating in the carving technique. A distinctive feature from standard skis is a large cutout in the middle part. As a result, the toe and heel are slightly wider than the "waist". The size of the cutout directly affects the ability of the skier to make a steeper turn.

CAT TRACK a snow road that is intended for the movement of special equipment for preparing slopes. It has a slight slope, so it is popular with fans of simple descents from the mountains.

CATCHER a leather strap that binds the ski to the boot. It is used for fixing the ski when opening the mount.

CATSKYING a type of mountain skiing combined with a snowmobile.

CHAIRLIFT same as the chairlift. For beginners, there is some difficulty in using it, because the road does not make stops for passengers to board and disembark. However, these skills are acquired quickly.

CHEST CRAWL TURN In swimming in this way, four rotation options are used: an open simple turn with rotation around one (front-rear) axis, a swing with a pendulum, a closed turn, and a turn with a forward somersault

CHEST CRAWL WITH BREATHING 1/3, 1/5 Chest crawl with the use of a well-trained short-distance swimmer breathing system "one inhale-exhale for three or five strokes with the hands" In this case, breathing is carried out either to the left or to the right side

CLIMBING STAIRS Method of overcoming climbs on skis To climb the ladder, you need to stand sideways to the rise, put the skis on the upper edges and climb with side steps

COLLAPSIBLE SELF-LEVELING POOL A non-stationary swimming pool measuring 6? 3? 1.3 m, consisting of a metal frame and a rubberized fabric tank; the simplest open artificial structure for mass swimming training, has a large capacity and can be installed in just a few days

COMPACT shorter downhill skis by 20-30 cm compared to standard amateur skis.

CONTACT PANEL Turning and finishing boards located in the center of the swimming track of the pool (width-2.40 m, height-0.90 m, thickness-1 cm) The contact panel is equipped with an electronic device, sensitive at any point and perceives a light touch with your hand or foot Allows you to record the intermediate and final results of each swim participant

CONTROLLED AVALANCHES activities that prevent avalanches and thus ensure the safety of your stay on the slopes. Most often, avalanches descend under the influence of explosive charges.

COOLING OF SKIS Preparation of skis for starting after lubrication i.e. keeping them in the open air to harden on the sliding surface of the applied ointment

CORD FOR STOPPING SWIMMERS IN CASE OF FALSE START Cord fixed on special racks (at a distance of 15 m from the starting wall of the pool, at a height of at least 1.2 m from the water surface), to stop the swim participants, the cord is fixed on the racks so that in case of a false start it can be quickly lowered into the water

CORDURUA view of the snow surface ("corduroy") after preparing the track with a snowmobile.

CORK (GRINDING) Solid foam bar for rubbing and smooth application of ointment on the sliding surface of skis

CORNICE a snow mass that hangs over a mountain ridge from the leeward side.

COUNTER-COUP a technique used by a novice skier to practice cornering techniques. On parallel skis, before turning from the slope, a turn is made to the slope.

COUNTER-ROTATION the technique is similar to the screw rotation technique. In this case, the shoulder girdle rotates in the direction opposite to the movement of the skis.

COUNTERCLOUD the slope of the skier on steep turns to maintain its stability.

CRAWL DIVING Swimming under water with a crawl Two variants of the technique are used: diving with movements only with the legs (arms extended forward); diving with movements with the legs and arms (arm movements can be as when crawling on the chest and as when breaststroking)

CRAWL ON THE BACK Method of sports swimming The swimmer is placed in a position on his back near the surface of the water almost horizontally Rowing circular movements of the hands are performed alternately in the direction from front to back When one hand completes the stroke and leaves the water, the other enters the water Legs perform alternating movements up and down Breathing is combined with movements of one of the above the water, exhale – at the end of the hand stroke

CRAWL ON THE BACK OF A SIX-STROKE The most common version of the backstroke, in which each cycle of movements of the swimmer consists of two alternating movements of the hands, six alternating movements of the legs, the most rational version of the general coordination of movements

CRAWL ON THE CHEST TWO-STROKE The full cycle of movements in this variant consists of alternating strokes with the right and left hands and two kicks (one with each foot) The kick down falls on the phase of repelling and leaving the water of the same hand, as well as on entering the water and capturing the water with the opposite hand Two-stroke the crawl is characterized by slightly shortened arm strokes, which contributes to the development of a high rate of movement

CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING Cross-country skiing

CROSS-COUNTRY SKIING DISTANCE The distance that a skier needs to cover during training or competition; when preparing the distance, use terrain with different terrain (rough)

CROSS-LEGGED CHEST CRAWL Four-stroke crawl, in which the swimmers legs perform cross movements: one moves diagonally downwards inwards, and the other more smoothly-from the bottom up After the cross kick, the foot that is at the bottom moves upwards outwards, after which it performs the main kick from the top down The cross kick balances the body oscillation and enhances the beginning of the stroke with the swimmers moment of inspiration: if the inhalation is performed under the right arm, the cross kick is made by the left leg, if under the left-by the right leg

CROSSING Repeat swim for reaching the next round of the competition (semifinals or finals) if the results are equal up to thousandths of a second

CRUCIATE LIGAMENT OF THE KNEE ligamentous apparatus that provides the functions of flexion and extension of the knee joint. Skiers get injuries in the form of a rupture of this ligament. You can prevent such an injury by working out the skills of proper skating and strengthening the ligament with leg training.

CUT SLIP turning technique where skis slip slightly.

CYCLING SKIS Alignment of plastic on the sliding surface of skis to improve their sliding, there are manual (with the help of a cycle) and factory (with the help of a special device (steinslift)) cyclevku

DEEP DIVING Submerge the swimmer in the water in an upright position to the greatest depth

DEFLECTION OF THE SKI bend of the ski at the starting position.

DIFFICULT SWIMMERS TURN A turn in which the swimmer rotates simultaneously or sequentially around several axes

DIN STANDARD (DEUTSCHE INDUSTRIE NORMEN) the scale used by manufacturers to mark indicators of unfastening fasteners. The value for each skier is individual and depends on their height( boot length), weight, age and level of training.

DIRECT DESCENT the descent of a skier on parallel skis along the slope line.

DIVING Diving with your head in water or moving under water without using auxiliary means and equipment A skill used in domestic, labor and military activities of a person In sports an integral part of the motor activity of swimmers, water jumpers, water polo players, water skiers, yachtsmen and representatives of other water sports

DOLPHIN IS SEPARATE Dolphin swimming with separate coordination of movements: if the swimmer slightly extends the flow to the reference phase, then the second kick coincides with the beginning of the stroke with the hands. Such separate coordination of movements when swimming with a dolphin is used mainly for training purposes

DOLPHIN TREKHUDARNY A variant of the dolphin technique, each cycle of movements in which consists of one movement with the hands, three blows with the feet down, one inhale and one exhale

DOWNHILL downhill skiing is a discipline in which an athlete passes a specially prepared track for a time with a height difference for men from 800 to 1100 meters, for women 500 to 800 meters. The track should include a number of turns and natural jumps. Downhill skiing is included in the Winter Olympic Games program.

DOWNHILL COURSE the official discipline of alpine skiing is to pass the track on time. The specially prepared track has a height difference for men from 800 to 1100 m, for women from 500 to 800 m. It runs along a slope with a natural topography, and has ski jumps in some areas. The skier makes a series of turns, passing through the guide gate. The discipline is included in the program of the Winter Olympic Games.

DRIVING SECTION OF THE SWIMMER The force that gives the swimmer forward movement; created by working (rowing) movements of the arms, legs, torso The water reaction force acts on the working surfaces of the swimmer The horizontal component of the water reaction force directed in the same direction as the speed of movement of the swimmers body is called the traction force This is the main driving force, depending on the speed of the rowing the horizontal component of the water reaction force directed directly opposite to the swimmers forward movement is called the drag force; it depends on the mid-section of the swimmers body, water density, body speed The vertical component of the water reaction force directed upwards is called the lifting force; it provides a higher and more stable position a swimmers body shape depends on the body profile, shape, and angle of attack

DROP LINE the most direct path that a skier uses to descend from the top of the track to the bottom.

EDDY RESISTANCE DURING SWIMMING Braking forces that occur when a swimmer moves due to eddy formation When a swimmer moves, water flows around his body, which, breaking away from the surface of the body, form vortices Vortex formation resistance is 65-75 % of the total water resistance The value of vortex formation resistance depends on the shape of the swimmers body, speed of movement, swimming technique

EDGING an element of skating technique that allows you to increase the turning angle.

ELEVATOR OPERATORS lift operators.

ENTERING A SWIMMERS HAND INTO THE WATER Preparatory phase of arm movement when swimming with a crawl on the chest, on the back or arm movements when swimming with a dolphin; movement of the arm (s) from the moment the brush touches the surface of the water to the beginning of the stroke

EVOLUTIONARY METHODOLOGY technique of skiing on shortened pairs of skis.

FAKIE snowboard descent backwards.

FAST TURN IN BACKSTROKE SWIMMING Difficult to perform turn due to its high-speed characteristics, widely used by qualified swimmers swims up to the wall and touches it with his hand, Then turns over on the side of the hand that touched the rotary shield, vigorously lowers his head and shoulder girdle down forward to the side and turns on his chest, does a somersault forward, quickly sweeps his legs through the air, bending them in the hip and knee joints Puts the feet on the wall of the pool, returning to the supine position with the legs bent After setting the feet, brings the hands forward, makes a push with the feet, slides and comes to the surface of the water

FINAL SWIM Swim to determine the winners of the competition, the list of participants is completed according to the results of preliminary swims The participant with the best result starts on the fourth track (if their total number is eight), the swimmer with the second result starts on the left, the third result starts on the right of the track of the first swimmer, etc

FIRN snow with a grainy structure, formed in the spring after repeated thawing and freezing.

FIRST FOOTPRINTS a ski slope that was left behind by skiers who took the first lift.

FIXING THE SWIMMERS FINISHING TOUCH OF THE SHIELD Details of fixing the finishing touch of the shield defined by the rules of swimming competitions When swimming in freestyle, participants who have reached the finish line must touch the finishing shield (at any level) with any part of their body; when swimming on the back – with one hand before turning to the chest; when swimming breaststroke, dolphin - with both hands simultaneously with the horizontal position of the shoulder girdle line

FLEXION EXTENSION the technique of riding on hillocks, which eliminates the uneven descent. It is also used to acquire the skills of turning on parallel skis.


FLUSHING Liquid based on acetone for removing old ointment and paraffin from the sliding surface of skis Work with the wash should only be in a well-ventilated area and do not allow open fire

FOUR-STROKE CHEST CRAWL A type of chest crawl in which four kicks (two for each leg) occur for a full cycle of arm movements. A four-stroke chest crawl is characterized by cross leg movements

FREERIDE off-piste skiing on snow-covered virgin fields.

FREESTYLE (FREE STYLE) discipline in alpine skiing. Includes 3 types: mogul, ski ballet and acrobatics.

FREESTYLE RELAY RACES Disciplines of sports swimming, in which four participants of the same team swim 100 or 200 m freestyle It is allowed to swim by any means, randomly changing them at a distance Athletes use the fastest way of swimming-a crawl on the chest

FREESTYLE SWIMMING Sports swimming at separate distances and in relays, when a swimmer is allowed to swim by any means, randomly changing them at a distance, athletes often use the fastest method of swimming-a crawl on the chest

FUNICULAIRE a type of transport that moves passengers by means of a cable car for a short distance on a slope.

GAME SWIMMING A set of technical techniques in water polo, including swimming in place, "walking" in the water, lifting, jumping out, stopping, falling off, turning and turning, deceptive movements (feints)

GETTING AHEAD OF TIME a technique used on slopes with a high slope or when riding on hillocks. The skier bends his entire body in the direction of movement..

GETTING THE SWIMMERS HAND OUT OF THE WATER The final phase of arm movement when swimming with a crawl, dolphin and on the back is the movement of the hand from the moment the hand comes out of the water, passing the hand over the water until it touches the surface of the water in front of the swimmer

GIANT SLALOM the official discipline of alpine skiing is to descend on a special track with an altitude difference of 350-600 meters. The route has a length of 1200 2500 meters and 50 70 gates. The discipline has been included in the Winter Olympic Games program since 1952.

GLADSKYING mountain skiing on a slope overgrown with sparse forest.

GODIL (WEDELN) a series of short turns connected to each other.

GONDOLA elevator cab with a capacity of 6-24 people. But there are also huge gondolas. So the Mont Fort Jumbo cabin in Verbier can accommodate up to 150 people. The lifting speed of the gondola does not exceed 6 meters per second. They can move only in one direction or be two-sided.

GOOFY This is the name of snowboarders who ride with their right leg extended forward, similar to skateboarding.

GRAINY SNOW similar to firn, but somewhat harder. On untrained tracks, it occurs in the morning, when the snow thawed during the day freezes during the night.

GREEN HIGHWAY a track for beginners and children. The easiest, with a small slope angle, simple terrain, no bumps and well-groomed.

GROOMING SERVICES preparation of the route by levelling snow with snow-tramming machines and snow trucks. This prevents the formation of snow mounds and allows you to get a smooth track with grooves similar to" corduroy " for carving.

GROUND LIFT a ski lift where people climb a slope without leaving the ground. For example, on a ski lift, tourists slide on skis.

HALF PIPE a sports facility in a snow park that has the shape of a half-pipe, the inner surface of which is covered with snow. Athletes, performing various figures, move from one wall to another.

HALF-PLOW BRAKING Method of braking on skis, in which one ski slides along the ski track, the heel of the foot on the other ski is pulled aside, pressure is applied to the inner edge of the braking ski

HALF-STOP STROKE Method of movement on skis, when the athlete pushes off with a push leg at an angle to the ski track, while the second, sliding, ski moves in a straight line

HEIGHT DIFFERENCE an indicator of the routes characteristics, which is calculated as the difference between the heights of the upper and lower lift stations.

HERRINGBONE LIFT type of ascent to the slope on downhill skis. The skier leans on the inner edges.

IN BUKOVELESKI Passes are divided into Low season (beginning of the ski season on January 01 inclusive and from March 10), Holiday season (used for New Year in Bukovel, from January 02 to January 06) and High Season (January 07 to March 09).

INCLINOMETER (INCLINE) a device that allows you to determine the slope angle of slopes.

INDOOR TURN IN BREASTSTROKE, BREASTSTROKE AND DOLPHIN SWIMMING When swimming with a crawl on the chest, the swimmer touches the wall of the pool with one hand, when swimming with a breaststroke and a dolphin-with both hands at the same time In other movements, the technique of performing the turn is the same. The swimmer swims up to the wall with one hand outstretched, the other hand, after finishing the stroke, is located along the body (in the other two methods, after touching the wall with both hands, one goes down and located along the torso, the other touches the pool wall) As soon as the hand touches the wall of the pool, it begins to bend at the elbow and shoulder joints At the same time, the legs bend, the head sinks even lower into the water, the swimmer takes a position, Then, pushing the hand off the wall, puts his feet on it, brings his hands forward and performs a push with his feet. what makes this turn faster?

INFLUX One of the phases of the swimmers movement cycle; the swimmers progress after a stroke in a sliding position

IRON (FLAT IRON) Device for applying and melting paraffin or accelerator on the ski surface by heating

JIBING descent along the highway, on which, in addition to jumps and bumps, there are also artificial buildings.

JOINT MOBILITY The magnitude of the amplitude of movements in the joints, depending on their structure, muscle and ligament stretch

KRUTYAK a slope with a slope level greater than 30 degrees.

LEDGES IN THE LEISURE POOL A device along the side walls of the pool at a depth of at least 1.2 m below the water level with a width of 15-20 cm, on which you can stand during rest

LIFTING WITH A HALF-BOW Method of lifting on skis used when overcoming slopes obliquely The ski of one leg, for example, the right, slides in the direction of movement, and the toe of the left ski is pulled to the side The angle of setting the left ski depends on the steepness of the ascent and the sliding conditions of the skiers hands work alternately

LONG DIVE Movement of the swimmer under the surface of the water (the depth of immersion is 1.0-1.5 m) in a horizontal position for a certain distance

MAGIC CARPET moving on the surface of the slope tape, designed for lifting children and beginners.

MIDSECTION OF THE SWIMMERS BODY Swimmers contour (the area of the projection of the body on a plane perpendicular to the direction of movement) The swimmers body must be positioned so that it has a minimum mid-section This section will be if the longitudinal axis of the body and the direction of movement of the swimmer coincide

MINI skis are shortened training skis that are used to acquire skills in downhill techniques.

MOGUL a discipline of alpine skiing that represents a high-speed descent on artificially created hills. The same term refers to the type of ski intended for skiing on a bumpy track. It has been part of the Winter Olympic Games program since 1992.

MOGUL ROAD a track where a large number of mounds are created by special equipment (snowmobiles) for moguls. Available only for skiers with more skiing experience.

MOMENTUM an element of skiing technique when the skier passes the necessary rotation to the skis at the beginning of a turn.

MOUNTAIN SKIING a ski that is placed on top during the technical slip test.

MUSCLE CRAMPS Sudden sharp involuntary muscle contractions, often accompanied by pain and temporary loss of the ability to relax; associated with overexertion and (or) cooling If a swimmer has cramps, it is necessary to change the way of swimming and relax the muscle

NAST an ice crust that covers the snow and retains its integrity under the skiers weight.

OFF PISTE a term that means skiing on untrained slopes, without markings, both inside and outside the resort.

OFF-PISTE SKIING the same as freeride: downhill skiing or snowboarding through virgin snowfields on the slopes of mountains. The middle part of the freeriding skis is wider than the standard ones (10-15 cm).

OMITTED a technique that allows you to control the trajectory of movement and reduce the flight distance after separation. It is a forward jump and is used to overcome obstacles (bumps).

ONE-STROKE DOLPHIN A variant of the dolphin technique, each cycle of movements in which consists of one movement with the hands and feet, the kick with the feet down is consistent with the entry of the hands into the water

OPEN SWIMMERS TURN The turn during which the swimmer breathes in

OPEN TURN IN BACKSTROKE SWIMMING The swimmer touches the wall of the pool at the very surface of the water with any hand slightly bent at the elbow joint, the other hand finishes the stroke at the hip The body before touching the wall with the hand is necessarily in the supine position After touching the wall with the hand, the swimmer groups, strongly bends the legs and moves them through the side to the hands forward, puts his feet on the wall, then makes a strong push with his feet After sliding, the athlete performs swimming movements and comes to the surface of the water

OPEN TURN IN BREASTSTROKE, BREASTSTROKE AND DOLPHIN SWIMMING When swimming with a crawl on the chest, the athlete touches the wall of the pool with one hand, when swimming with a breaststroke and a dolphin-with both hands at the same time In other movements, the technique of performing the turn is the same. Open turns are easy to perform and are used for training beginners. The swimmer swims up to the wall with one hand outstretched, the other, after finishing the stroke, is located along the torso as soon as the hand touches the wall At the same time, the legs bend and the swimmer exhales, then he performs a rotation around the anterior-posterior (vertical) axis and puts his feet on the wall, brings both hands forward, inhales, lowers his face into the water and pushes off the pool wall

OVERCLOCKING MOUNTAIN an integral part of the ski jump for downhill skiing. It is located at the top of the ski jump, has the greatest steepness and consists of a starting platform; a track on which the skier accelerates; a transition curve and a breakaway area.

PARAFFIN OIL A wax-like substance, a mixture of extreme hydrocarbons; the type of ski ointment Allows you to achieve the best glide when applied to the sliding surface of skis; it is used as the main ointment

PASSING THE BATON IN SWIMMING The moment when the athlete finishing his stage of the relay must touch the contact panel with his hand; at this time, the starter must complete the push-off from the starting table One relay participant touches the contact panel with his hand and the push–off from the starting table of the other participant occurs almost simultaneously (with a difference of 0.10-0.25 seconds)

PATROLLED AREA the area of the resort that is under the control of the ski patrol.

PEDALING the technique of entering a turn, in which the skier shifts his body weight first on one leg, then on the other. At the same time, the back of the inner ski rises.

PEREKANTOVKA a turn entry technique where the skier moves the skis from the upper edges to the inner edges.

PHASES OF THE SWIMMERS MOVEMENTS DURING THE START When performing a stand-up start, all the swimmers movements can be divided into the following phases: the latent period of the starting reaction, the squat swing, the push - off, the flight, entering the water, sliding under water, and the beginning of the first swimming movements When performing a water start, the movement phases remain, with the exception of the squat swing

PIPE a sports facility made of snow in the form of a half-pipe. In the free space, snowboarders move from wall to wall, making various shapes at the same time.

PIST (PISTE ) a ski track prepared with special equipment.

PLASTIC SKIS Sports skis made of plastic materials or with their wide application are distinguished between wood-plastic (multi-layer wooden glued skis with a plastic sliding surface) and fiberglass (combined skis of three layers: the sliding surface is high – molecular polyethylene, then fiberglass, foam and a finishing layer of plastic) skis. A pair of fiberglass skis weighs 1.2-1.5 kg, they are smaller wide, elastic and resilient The high sliding properties of polyethylene have significantly improved the driving performance of skis

PLOW BRAKING A method of braking on skis, in which the ski socks are brought together, the heels are separated to the sides, the emphasis is placed on the inner edges of the skis

POMA ("POMA") a French company that produces ski lifts for ski resorts. The lifts themselves are also called. Their distinctive feature is the presence of a support disk instead of a crossbar.

POOL BATH The basis of an artificial swimming pool, most often of reinforced concrete construction, is defined by various sizes of baths: for sports competitions – 50 ? 21 x 1.8 m; for training and competitions-25 x 16 (11) ? 1.8 m; for swimming training – 12.5 m ? 11 ? 1.2 (0.9) m

PORSHOK Loose substance in the form of powder, which significantly improves the sliding of skis; applied to the surface after paraffin treatment in a hot way (using an iron)

POSKREBYSH a tourist who descends on the edge without making U-turns.

POWDER off-piste skiing on a deep and fluffy snow cushion.

POWER UTILIZATION RATE OF A SWIMMER A conditional indicator that indicates the degree of use of a swimmers strength qualities in the process of swimming; it is determined as follows: the traction force in water is multiplied by 100 % and divided by the traction force on land For highly qualified swimmers, this coefficient is 40-48 %

PRE-TURN the technique of entering a turn by applying a rounded slip, and then edging it.

PRIMING OF SKIS Paraffin treatment of new skis or skis after cycling to create a smoother sliding surface with a special primer or any more or less soft paraffin with a range of applications equal to 3-10? (usually purple is used); it is advisable to use paraffin in excess, warming up the skis two or three times without intermediate putty and adding paraffin, as it is absorbed into the surface

PROFILED SKIS skis with a pronounced profile: narrow "waist" and wider front and back parts. Used for making sharp turns.

PRORIDER professional snowboarder, skier.

PUHLYAK ("POWDER") fresh, fluffy snow that formed a deep pillow.

PUSH TECHNOLOGY it consists in the fact that the skier at the entrance to the turn makes an edging, then leans, quickly pushes off and turns the loaded skis around. It is used on slopes with a high slope to reduce the speed.

PUTTING YOUR ARMS FORWARD IN BREASTSTROKE Breaststroke arm movement phase: after completing the stroke, the arms are bent at the elbow joints, the hands are joined and without delay are brought forward to the surface of the water

RABBIT ON THE CHEST Method of sports swimming The swimmers body occupies a horizontal position at the surface of the water, the head is lowered into the water The swimmer performs alternating circular strokes with his hands After touching the water with the brush, the hand moves forward downwards, bends at the elbow near the shoulder joint and moves back outwards Near the pelvic girdle line at the moment of repulsion, the arm straightens and comes out of the water: first shoulder girdle, then forearm and hand After the stroke, the arm moves forward over the water; at the moment when one arm completes the stroke, the other enters the water and prepares to make the next stroke The head for inspiration turns to the side as soon as the hand opposite the side of inspiration enters the water The legs perform continuous alternating movements up and down with a small amplitude, two -, four-and six-stroke variants are distinguished by the number of kicks. The chest crawl is the fastest way of sports swimming. It is always used in competitions where the rules allow freestyle swimming

RABBIT ON THE CHEST SIX-STROKE A type of chest crawl in which a full cycle of arm movements involves six kicks (three for each leg) One of the characteristic moments of a six-stroke crawl is the combination of a foot-down kick with the end of the stroke and the hand leaving the water on the same side of the body, while the other hand completes the water capture

RACING SKIS Skis weighing 1.5-2.5 kg, 160-220 cm long, designed for cross-country running; made of wood and plastic materials It is customary to distinguish the lower and upper surfaces of skis, ribs, toe, heel and cargo area According to the length and width of the skis are selected depending on the mode of movement, terrain, mass and height of the skier

RANGE OF FOOT MOVEMENTS WHEN SWIMMING WITH A CRAWL The range of movements of the legs in the vertical plane when swimming with a crawl on the chest and back; the optimal amplitude is selected individually depending on the height and other data of the swimmer

RASKANTOVKA technique for reducing the edge angle relative to the snow surface. The angle depends on the nature of the slope, the quality of snow, the speed and trajectory of the skier.

RED ROUTE medium difficulty track for experienced skiers. They are characterized by a strong steepness with the absence of gentle sections. If there are flat sections, they are combined with short steep places. Riding on such tracks requires a certain skill. Usually there are a lot of people on the red routes, so even well-prepared snowmobiles, they are covered with mounds by the end of the day.

RELAY SWIMMING A sport swimming discipline where a team consists of four swimmers, each of whom swims the same length, using the method of swimming defined for this type of relay race.

RESCUE CIRCLE The simplest life-saving device on the water; consists of foam or cork, covered with dense (sailing) material and painted in red and white Along the outer edge of the circle a rope is stretched, fixed in four places The outer diameter of the circle is 60-80 cm, weight-4-7 kg, load capacity-8-2 kg

RESCUE EQUIPMENT Necessary equipment located at water rescue stations (posts) on land: lifebuoy, life jackets, belts and bibs, throwing life-saving devices, boat hooks, cats, etc.

RIDGE TURN a turn that an athlete makes on a slalom track using a skate press.

ROLL-OUT it means two concepts. This is the name of the part of the ski jump where skiers make jumps. The part of the route after the steepest part of the descent before the stop has the same name.

RUNNING TAPES (TRAVELATORS) ski lifts that are used for children and novice skiers on training tracks.

SHIELD TOUCH FINISH An independent element of swimming technique; the correct and quick touch of the swimmers hand to the shield located on the finish wall and equipped with an electronic device creates a certain advantage at the finish line

SHUSSING descent in a straight line of fall.

SIDE-SLIP BRAKING A method of braking on skis, in which both skis are located perpendicular to the slope, while the athlete focuses on the outer edge of the upper ski and on the inner edge of the lower one

SIDEWAYS DIVING Swimming under water on your side Arm movements are performed as when swimming breaststroke or butterfly, leg movements-as when swimming on your side

SIMPLE SWIMMERS TURN A rotation in which the swimmer rotates around one axis

SIMULTANEOUS SILENT RUNNING A method of movement on skis, in which the push-off is carried out only with the hands without the participation of the legs

SIMULTANEOUS SINGLE STEP MOVE One of the main classical moves used in cross-country skiing According to the consistency in the work of the hands and feet, there are two variants of simultaneous movement: high-speed (with simultaneous pushing off with the foot and extending the hands) and main (with bringing the hands and sticks in rings forward before the start of pushing off) High-speed version: the cycle of movements begins with pushing off with the foot and simultaneously carrying out the sticks forward, then follows a small roll on the support leg After which a push with the hands is performed with the simultaneous attachment of the swing leg and a longer second roll The main option: after the push with the hands, the skier slides on two skis, slowly straightening up, brings the sticks forward After transferring the body weight to the left leg, he performs a push with the left foot simultaneously with the setting of the sticks on snow At the moment of the end of the push with the foot, a push-off with the hands begins, which is performed in the same way as in other simultaneous moves The Skier slides on the right ski, continuing the push with the hands The left leg is brought forward with an active swing movement and attached to the reference one at the time of the end of the push with the hands, the push with the hands is completed, the skier slides on two skis

SIMULTANEOUS TWO-STEP MOVE A method of movement on skis, in which two alternate push-offs with the feet are performed by one push-off with the hands (both right and left)

SKATE COURSE Movement on skis in a way that resembles the technique of a speed skater, i.e. pushing is performed by sliding the ski to the side at an angle to the direction of movement while simultaneously pushing with sticks

SKATING STEP in this technique, the skier repeats the movements of the skater. It is used on a flat area with alternating sliding and pushing on one ski.

SKI (SKI) a device for more convenient movement on a snowy surface, consisting of a curved board.

SKI AREA a trail on a snow-covered area that remains from the skis of a descended skier.

SKI BASE A room for storing, receiving and distributing ski equipment to a mass visitor for short-term use

SKI BINDINGS Devices that fix and rigidly attach skis to the nose of boots

SKI BOOTS Special shoes for easy attachment of the ski to the leg with the help of a ski mount Distinguish shoes for skating moves, for classic and universal Ones are used with the appropriate type of ski mounts

SKI BRAKE a device on ski bindings that keeps skis on the slope if the skiers fall caused the mount to come undone.

SKI COURSE The method of movement on skis on snow is distinguished between classic ski moves (alternate: two-step and four-step, simultaneous: no-step, one-step, two-step)and skate ski moves (alternate and simultaneous: half-step, without pushing off with your hands, one-step and two-step)

SKI CROSS (SKICROSS, SKIERCROSS) discipline in alpine skiing. The start is made simultaneously for four athletes. They descend on a special track, making turns and jumping from ski jumps

SKI EQUIPMENT Skis, boots, ski poles and other items necessary for training and competitions in cross-country skiing are regulated by the competition rules and are selected depending on the height and weight indicators.

SKI GROOVE Recess along the sliding surface of the ski, allowing for steady forward movement without lateral displacement

SKI HANDLING Preparation of skis (putty, priming, paraffin application, etc.) for training and competitions

SKI LUBRICATION Applying a sliding surface of ski ointment to the shoe to increase the grip of the ski with snow when pushing off in classic moves, the ointment is selected depending on the temperature, applied to the shoe and rubbed with a cork, then the skis are cooled

SKI MARKING Putting special marks on skis before the start to avoid replacing them during the competition

SKI OIL BURNER A device connected to a gas cylinder that allows you to regulate the flame of a fire; it is used to warm up the surface of wooden and plastic skis when applying and removing ointment

SKI POLES Sports equipment used by skiers for repelling, made of bamboo, metal, graphite, plastic The stick consists of a shaft, a spike for stopping, a ring to protect against falling into the snow, a loop to support the hand when repelling The size of ski poles depends on the size of the skier, the method of movement (classic or skate)

SKI RETURN Skis slip back after pushing off in classic moves, which significantly reduces the result. as a rule, it happens when the ski is wet and wet, special ointments are used to reduce the recoil

SKI SLOPE A separate section of a mountain or hill on rough terrain, suitable for studying and fixing the methods of descents from mountains, ascents, braking and turns, there are slopes of low (5-15?), medium (15-25?) steepness and steep (25? and more)

SKI SLOPE PROFILE A set of basic features that characterize the track by twistiness, height differences, saturation with elements (turns, ascents, descents, etc.) or a graphic representation of the terrain on which the race takes place, indicating the height differences

SKI SLOPES sports facilities on the mountain slopes designed for downhill skiing. Sections of slopes are prepared with special equipment, and a certain profile is created. The slopes must meet the standards adopted in alpine skiing, as well as ensure the safety of skiers, regardless of their level of athletic training. The difficulty of tracks is marked with a certain color. Training routes are marked with green placemarks. Blue markings are used to indicate light trails. Moderate difficulty tracks are marked in red. The most technically challenging tracks are marked in black.

SKI STADIUM A sports facility that consists of a flattened starting and finishing area for skiers of at least 150 meters in size ? Starting and finishing gates, a building for the judges panel, press, announcers room, and a medical center are being built 250 m on the site.

SKI STOPS a part of the ski bindings that holds the unfastened ski in the snow. It has the appearance of horns.

SKI STORAGE FACILITY a room used for storing ski equipment at rental points, near ski lift stations, or in hotels. Skiers use specially equipped dryers to dry their boots.

SKI SUIT A special tight-fitting skier suit made of thin elastic fabric, can be solid and separate Under the overall, cotton underwear or special thermal underwear is worn, depending on the temperature

SKI TOURS a popular form of active winter recreation, a great way to have a good rest and get fresh vivid impressions.

SKI TRACK Cross-country, forest, or open terrain distance chosen for cross-country skiing competitions and training sessions

SKIBOB a device for riding on a snowy surface. The design is similar to a bicycle, which has small skis instead of pedals. The tourist puts on skis, with which he controls and keeps his balance.

SKIERS EQUIPMENT Skiers clothing and equipment required for training and competitive activities

SLALOM (SLALOM) official discipline of alpine skiing. It consists of descending along a special route, where the gate passages are marked with flags. The slalom track for men has 55-75 gates, the height difference is 180-220 meters, and for women, respectively, 45-65 and 140 to 200 meters.

SLALOM SKIING they are characterized by increased rigidity, the back of the ski is reinforced. The design provides for vibration damping.

SLIDING A phase in ski moves when a ski or skis are moving on snow SCRAPER (CYCLE) A tool made of plastic, plexiglass or metal for removing paraffin or ski ointment, as well as leveling the sliding surface

SLIDING OFF A BOUNCE the skier makes a jump, after which, when landing, the skis are raskantovyvayutsya, contributing to the beginning of slipping. It is used on unkempt trails, unfamiliar slopes, and low visibility.

SLIDING STEP ASCENT Method of climbing on skis The technique of lifting with a sliding step is very similar to moving in an alternating two-step course Only when climbing, the sliding step is shorter and more frequent, the skiers landing is higher, the push of the foot is directed more upwards, the support on the sticks is stronger and lasts longer

SLIDING SURFACE("SLIPPER") the lower surface of the ski that comes in contact with the snow.

SLIPPING the skier moves downhill in such a way that the parallel skis are positioned at an angle to the descent path. Sliding can be oblique, sideways, rounded, with a jump or with a stop.

SLITNY DOLPHIN The most rational variant of the dolphin swimming technique, when the second kick coincides with the main part of the arm stroke; it is widely used in sports practice

SLOPE STEEPNESS tilt angle, which is measured by a special inclinometer (incline).

SNOW CANNON technical device for the production of artificial snow. It is used to maintain a stable snow cover on ski slopes in warm winter conditions. The use of snow cannons allows you to increase the duration of the skiing season by 40 to 60 days.

SNOW NURSERY a fenced part of a gentle slope where children learn downhill skiing techniques.

SNOW PARK complex of descents.

SNOWBLADE short skis with standard bindings. The length of the sprouter is from 90 to 100 cm.

SNOWBOARD a special board for descending from the slope.

SNOWCAT synonym for the word "snowcat". A machine on wide tracks that is used for leveling tracks and compacting snow cover.

SNOWSHOES shoes that make it easier to walk through deep and fluffy snow.

SPORTS METHOD OF SWIMMING SPORTS METHODS OF SWIMMING INCLUDE CHEST CRAWL, BACK CRAWL, DOLPHIN, BREASTSTROKE They allow you to develop high speed All sports swimming methods have their own technique, which is regulated by the competition rules

SPRINGBOARD (TREMPLIN) a special structure on the ski slope, designed to increase the duration of the athletes flight during the jump. Components of the springboard: acceleration and landing mountains, breakaway area, transition arc and rollout.

STARTING A SWIMMER FROM THE WATER Start from the water with a push-off from the side of the pool when swimming on the back And p-the athlete takes the starting handrails with straight hands with a grip from above shoulder-width apart, firmly sets the feet on the pool wall parallel to each other shoulder-width apart so that the fingers do not come to the surface of the water At the command "To start" to the handrails, strongly bends the legs in the knee and hip joints, the torso is almost pressed to the hips Preparatory movements and push-off are carried out simultaneously At the starting signal the swimmer slightly raises the torso up, throws the head back, performs a powerful push-off with his feet and a quick swing with his hands through the sides back He pushes with such force that 2-3 m flies enters the water with his hands and head forward After diving into the water, the swimmer stretches out in a straight line and briefly glides The first swimming movements begin with his feet, followed by one stroke with his hand. By the end of the stroke, the body is on the surface of the water

STARTING HANDRAILS Handles for starting swimmers out of the water; are located at a height of 0.3 to 0.6 m above the water level and have horizontal and vertical grips Are located parallel to the end walls, should not protrude beyond the projection of the wall surface

STEINSLIFT Factory cycling of skis using a special device, when a structural pattern is applied to the sliding surface of the skis to improve sliding; changing the nozzles, you can apply different shapes of the pattern, improving sliding in different weather conditions

STEP-BY-STEP ASCENT A method of overcoming ski lifts that is used if the slope is steeper than 10? The skier alternately pushes off with his feet and hands With the end of the push off with one foot he immediately transfers his body weight to the other There is no sliding on skis here

STICKS the athlete uses ski poles to push them away from the snow.

STOP BRAKING Method of braking on skis, used when descending obliquely on a well-rolled slope The skier transfers most of the body weight to one, for example, the left ski, located flat on the snow, the heel of the right ski moves to the side and puts the ski on the inner edge The braking effect depends on the degree of loading of the braking ski with body weight and on the angle driving direction

SWIMMERS APPROACH TO THE TURN Swimmers actions performed 5-6 m before the turn, when he must calculate swimming movements in such a way as to perform the turn most efficiently, without reducing speed

SWIMMERS ARM MOVEMENT The most important element of swimming technique is the rowing movements of the hands — the main source of driving forces In the coordination of movements when swimming in sports ways, the leading role belongs to the movements of the hands: the movements of the legs are strictly subordinated to the rhythm of the working movements of the hands

SWIMMERS BREATH Phase of the swimmers breathing cycle Inhale through the mouth To inhale, you need to turn or raise your head so that your mouth is above the water

SWIMMERS BREATH IN BOTH DIRECTIONS The phase of the swimmers breathing cycle when swimming with a crawl on the chest with the head turned to inhale alternately in different directions So, when the head is turned to the right, a breath is inhaled, then one cycle of hand movements is skipped with a breath delay, and the next breath is taken with the head turned to the left

SWIMMERS BREATH IS LATE The phase of the swimmers breathing cycle in modern versions of the breaststroke technique Inhaling begins after the completion of the push-off phase with the hands

SWIMMERS ENTRANCE TO THE WATER Working phase of the starting jump When entering the water, the swimmers body maintains a streamlined position; arms, torso and legs are stretched out in a straight line, the head is located between the hands, the water first touches the hands, then the head, torso and legs are successively immersed in the water. The angle of entry into the water (the angle between the longitudinal axis of the body and the water surface) is 15-30° ; this angle provides the lowest water inlet depth (40-60 cm).

SWIMMERS EXHALATION INTO THE WATER The phase of the swimmers breathing cycle Exhalation into the water is performed in order not to disturb the general structure of movements In the chest crawl, breaststroke, dolphin by lifting the head. After inhaling, the head turns (descends) into the water and the gradual exhalation begins first through the mouth, then through the nose. the swimmers face is submerged in the water

SWIMMERS EXIT TO THE SURFACE OF THE WATER Movement of the swimmer after the start or turn, performed by swimming movements of the legs and arms

SWIMMERS FORCED EXHALATION Quick exhalation after a pause in the chest crawl, the inhalation is followed by a short breath hold, and just before the swimmers mouth approaches the surface of the water, a forced exhalation is performed

SWIMMERS LEG MOVEMENT The most important element of swimming technique: Leg movements provide a balanced, streamlined position of the swimmers body, play an important coordination role, strengthen hand movements, and create driving forces

SWIMMERS LONG POWER STROKE A variant of the chest and backstroke armstroke technique, a variation of the six-stroke armstroke swimming technique; swimming with a long power armstroke with a relatively smooth phase of water capture by hand

SWIMMERS ONE-WAY BREATH The phase of the swimmers breathing cycle when swimming with a crawl on the chest with the head turned to inhale in one direction, the inhalation begins at the moment when the hand comes out of the water, on the same side of the inhalation, and ends at the very beginning of the movement of the hand through the air So, when the head turns to the right, performed by turning the head to the right

SWIMMERS PENDULUM TURN It is used in all types of swimming, except backstroke, breaststroke and dolphin is the main turn Performed with one hand moving through the air during the rotation of the athletes hands touch the pool wall simultaneously (in the breaststroke and dolphin methods) at the same level and close to the water surface The swimmer bends his arms at the elbow joints, bringing the head and shoulder the belt is placed against the wall, bends the legs and, pushing off the pool wall with his hands, begins to rotate in a side plane close to the vertical Rotation is completed, he dives into the water, stretches his arms forward and pushes off the wall During the push-off, the swimmer turns to the chest, stretches out and after a short slip under water begins swimming movements

SWIMMERS SLIDE Movement of the swimmer under water after the start and turn without moving the legs and arms While the swimmers body must be stretched and tense The length of the turning slide for qualified athletes reaches 5 m The length of the starting slide depends on the method of swimming and the distance to which the athlete starts The depth of the slide at the start depends on the correct entry of the body into the water, the method of swimming and from the distance When swimming with a crawl and a dolphin, the depth of sliding varies between 40-50 cm for short distances and increases to 60 cm for long and medium distances.

SWIMMERS SPEED IS INTRA-CYCLE The value of intra-cycle speed depends on the methods and techniques of swimming In breaststroke and dolphin, where working and preparatory movements of the limbs are performed simultaneously, the fluctuation of intra-cycle speed is more significant than in the crawl on the chest and on the back, where these movements are performed sequentially and in parallel. The speed increases during the working movements of the swimmer and decreases During the training sessions, it is one of the most important tasks facing a swimmer to reduce the speed difference in each cycle of movement when passing a distance.

SWIMMERS START FROM THE NIGHTSTAND Jump of a swimmer from the starting table headfirst at the starting signal (except for backstroke) B and C the swimmers torso is tilted forward and down, the feet are parallel to each other approximately shoulder-width apart, slightly grabbing the front edge of the nightstand with their fingers, the legs are bent at the knee joints (140-160°) The position of the hands is variable: more often they are stretched forward down, less often they are pulled back

SWIMMERS START WITH A NIGHTSTAND GRAB One of the most common variants of the swimmers start technique, which differs from the usual start from the nightstand starting position, faster execution of preparatory movements and push-offs B and p the swimmer leans forward down and grabs the front edge of the nightstand with his fingers In the preparatory movement, the swimmer performs a squat with his legs, and presses his hands on the front edge of the nightstand, bending them at the elbow joints, helping this movement to quickly bring the body out of balance and send it forward At the moment of repulsion, the hands make a swinging forward movement

SWIMMERS STARTING PLATFORM Free platform on the start side in the pool tub with a width of at least 3 m On this platform there is a starting bridge with starting tables The height of the bridge or the front edge of the nightstand above the water surface is 50-75 cm

SWIMMERS STEP Distance covered by a swimmer in one stroke (cycle of movements)

SWIMMERS STREAMLINED APPEARANCE The natural or artificially created ability of a swimmer to move in the water with the lowest possible hydrodynamic drag force The most streamlined is the teardrop shape Imperfect technique (lowering the head down, bending the trunk in the lower back, incomplete straightening of the legs) worsens the streamlined body and slows down the swimmers progress forward

SWIMMERS STROKE The main working movement that ensures the swimmers progress in the water with rowing surfaces that are repelled from the water during work, for a swimmer are the hands and forearms, feet and shins

SWIMMERS STROKE RATE The number of complete cycles of rowing movement in 1 min is one of the main quantitative characteristics of swimming techniques; it is determined by visual observation and counting

SWIMMERS ZIGZAG STROKE Stroke when swimming with a crawl on the chest In the upper part of the stroke, the arm moves from one working plane to another, slides obliquely relative to the streamlined flow Due to zigzag movements of the arm, there is an additional support for turning the head when inhaling

SWIMMING COMPLEX The discipline of sports swimming, in which the athlete overcomes the distance alone in four ways: dolphin, backstroke, breaststroke, chest crawl, which are sequentially replaced on each segment, which is one quarter of the distance

SWIMMING EVENT Passing the distance by a group of swimmers selected from the total number of participants by drawing lots or based on preliminary results and starting at the same time; the number of swimmers is determined by the number of swimming lanes in the pool

SWIMMING FOR INFANTS Early childhood swimming training (starting from 2-3 weeks) An important health, hygiene, and general development tool

SWIMMING FRICTION RESISTANCE Resistance resulting from the interaction of the surface of the swimmers body with water that has the property of viscosity There are two types of friction: external and internal External friction is the friction of the swimmers body against a nearby layer of water Internal friction is the friction of water particles among themselves The friction resistance is 15-20 % of the total water resistance

SWIMMING IN CLOTHES Applied, paramilitary swimming skill If you need to swim in clothes (shoes and outerwear must be removed in all cases), use methods without taking your hands out of the water: breaststroke on the chest and method on the side with preparatory movements of the "upper" hand under water

SWIMMING IN PLACE A technical technique in water polo, used in various body positions, The hands perform small movements, as if leaning on the water; the legs, bent at the joints, make short simultaneous or alternating strokes

SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR A specialist who works in the pool and is engaged in swimming training, as well as performing auxiliary work

SWIMMING TECHNIQUE JUDGE A member of the competition judging panel who ensures that athletes comply with the technical requirements of the specific swimming method used in the swim The swimming technique judges must be on each side of the pool

SWIMMING TRACK The part of the pool tub that is 25 or 50 m long and 2.5 m wide, bounded by marking and wave-damping floats; it has a contrasting centerline at the bottom of the pool for orientation of swimmers There are eight (the most common option) or ten tracks in the pool.

SWIMS Type of sports swimming; carried out over long (usually 2 km or more) distances in natural reservoirs; swims up to 100-150 km long Swim participants have the right to use any swimming methods at a distance, change them, eat while in the water in an unsupported position

SWINGS OF THE SWIMMERS TORSO AROUND THE LONGITUDINAL AXIS When swimming with a crawl on the chest and back, turning the swimmers torso to the left and right relative to the longitudinal axis of the body by 30-35° in each direction, These movements strengthen the stroke with the hands, help to perform it along the optimal trajectory, take the arm out of the water with minimal resistance and carry it over the water,

SWITCH changing the stance during the descent. The skier can change the regular and goofy positions.

SYNCHRONIZED SWIMMING Sport in which athletes compete in the performance of figures and various movements in the water with musical accompaniment The competition program is divided into mandatory and free Types of free program: solo, duet, group

TARRING OF SKIS Procedure for preparing wooden skis for use; treatment of the sliding surface of new skis with special resin or liquid resinous ointments Good impregnation protects the skis from moisture, swelling, cracking and better holds the ski ointment

TELEMARK (TELEMARK) a style of skiing developed by Sondre Norheim in the X1X century and named after the Norwegian plateau. The main movements in this technique are different steps and strides. Turning is performed by moving one ski forward at an angle to the direction of rotation. Despite the fact that telemark was replaced by the Christiania style, it is now finding quite a few adherents. This is evidenced by the annual international ski competitions in Telemark style.

THE BODY PLANE IS TRANSVERSE The plane that divides the human body into upper and lower halves

THE BOWL the depression is of natural origin, located in the mountains and is filled with a large amount of snow.

THE CHRISTIE TURN type of turn when the skier puts the skis in a position intermediate between the turns of parallel skis and the plow.

THE CORE part of a mountain ski that determines the stiffness of the ski. It is located under the lid on a sliding surface.

THE POOL IS THE SIMPLEST ON THE WATER The simplest sports facility for swimming, consisting of a starting raft, starting tables, starting and turning walls, between which wave-damping paths are stretched The water depth under the starting raft is not less than 1.2-1.8 m, at the turning wall-not less than 0.9-1.2 m The length of the pool can be 50.25 or 12.5 m The width of the pool is determined by the number of tracks, each of which must have a width of 2-2. 5 m

THE RANGE OF FOOT MOVEMENTS IN BREASTSTROKE SWIMMING During the push-off, the breaststroke swimmers feet diverge to the sides for a distance that is approximately 1.5-1.8 times the width of the pelvis

THE SWIMMERS ENTRANCE TO THE WATER IS FLAT The swimmer enters the water at an angle close to 0° during the start

THE SWIMMERS ENTRANCE TO THE WATER IS STEEP Entering the water of a swimmer at an angle of more than 30° during the start

THROWING TECHNIQUE a technique in which a skier transmits the rotational movements of his body to the skis before turning.

TOBOGGAN sleds that dont have runners. The invention of the North American Indians. These are several boards bent in front, fastened together.

TOUCHDOWN MOUNTAIN an integral part of the ski jump for downhill skiing. The same name is given to the steep part of the slope on which the skier lands. It is located below the athletes breakaway plane.

TOWING A SWIMMER Training exercise of a swimmer to develop speed qualities; applying additional traction in the direction of movement of the swimmer, for example, using a winch that pulls the swimmer by the cord attached to his belt, to create easier conditions and increase speed

TRANSITION BRIDGE Suspended structure for crossing the ski track, ensuring the safety of participants and spectators

TRAVERSE (TRANSVERSUS) the movement of the skier is not along, but across the slope.

TREEWELL a traumatic depression in the snow surrounding a tree trunk.

TREJEN-KROL Outdated version of crawling Arm movements roughly correspond to crawling movements, leg movements are performed scissor-like (similar to leg movements in side swimming)

TUBING a method of skiing downhill using car cameras.

TURN CLOSED IN BACKSTROKE SWIMMING The swimmer swims up to the wall and touches it with his hand Then lowers his head down, bends his legs at the hip and ankle joints, quickly carries them over the water to the pool wall, rotating around the vertical and transverse axes Rotation is performed with a held breath Then the swimmer brings his hands forward and puts his feet on the wall, followed by a strong push with and access to the water surface

TURN FOR THE SWIMMER A turn that the swimmer performs without inhaling

TURN IN BREASTSTROKE AND DOLPHIN SWIMMING In swimming, these methods use three options for turning: open flat, closed, and swing with a pendulum

TURN JUDGE A member of the judging panel of swimming competitions, who monitors the correct performance of the front stroke before the turn, turn, first stroke after the turn, and in the relay swimming heats-for the correct change of stages

TURN SIGNAL LIGHT FOR BACKSTROKE SWIMMERS A device in the pool; a cord with flags attached to racks at a height of 1.8 m from the water level and at a distance of 5 m from each transverse side of the pool

TURN THE SWIMMER SOMERSAULT FORWARD High-speed closed turn, the main version of the turn for qualified swimmers when swimming with a crawl on the chest, Athletes do not touch the pool wall with their hands, but only put their feet on it to push off after a somersault. When the wall is approximately 1.5-2 m away, the swimmer makes the first half of the stroke with the hand in front (the other hand is stretched along the body and remains motionless) After finishing the stroke, the swimmer takes a breath and energetically moves his head and shoulders forward and down performs a forward somersault, which ends with putting his feet on the wall. Then the swimmer brings his hands forward and pushes his feet off the wall

TURN WITH A WEDGE the same as turning with a plow. It is carried out by bringing the ski socks together at an angle.

TURNING THE SWIMMER INTO A BACKWARD SOMERSAULT It is used in complex swimming during the transition from backstroke to breaststroke swimming, an athlete, swimming on his back to the pool wall, touches it with his hand, groups himself, does a somersault back in the vertical plane (relative to the transverse axis of the body) and finds himself in the chest position After pushing off and sliding, he swims already breaststroke

TWO-STROKE BREATHING The most natural way of breathing is in a crawl on the chest; one inhale-exhale falls on the full cycle of movements of the swimmer (for two strokes with the hands)

TWO-STROKE DOLPHIN A variant of the dolphin technique, each cycle of movements in which consists of one movement with the hands and two blows with the feet down, one inhale and one exhale

UNDERWATER VIDEO RECORDING The ability to get urgent information about the swimmers movement technique with the help of underwater video recording, most often shooting is carried out with several cameras installed in the water and above the water, or on a special cart that is moved along the side of the pool after the swimming athlete

UNIVERSAL SKIS classic ski model. It has an average "waist" width and an average stiffness. It is used in all conditions by skiers with good training.

VAN EITI (ONE eighty) 180-degree rotation on flat skis.

VIDA BOARD a snowboard with a larger width than the standard one.

VIRAGE driving path with turns.

VIRGIN SKIS a model of skis that are flexible along their entire length and have a larger width. This increases the sliding surface.

WALTZ SET a freestyle skier performs a continuous 360-degree rotation on flat skis in one direction.

WATER CHANGE IN ARTIFICIAL SWIMMING POOLS The most common three systems for changing and purifying water: full (the water in the pool is completely changed after 5-7 days), flowing (clean water continuously enters the pool, and layers of contaminated water are removed through the drain gutters and sucked out through the drain pipes at the bottom of the pool), recirculating (water is continuously purified through high-speed filters, then disinfected) With a recirculating system, water stays in the pool for up to 30 days, i.e. the same water is used several times. The same system provides for replenishing the pool with fresh water

WATER POLO Team sports game with a ball on the water in a rectangular pool measuring 20-30 m in teams of 7 people The goal of the game is to throw the ball with your hands into the opponents goal and prevent them from throwing the ball into their own goal

WATER RESCUE TECHNIQUES The main actions when providing assistance to a drowning person: swimming up to the drowning person, freeing him from his grips, transporting the drowning person (on his back, on his side), taking the victim out of the water and providing the necessary medical care (ensuring airway patency, artificial respiration, external heart massage)

WATER RESISTANCE WHEN SWIMMING The main braking force of the swimmers movement; consists of friction resistance, wave resistance and vortex formation resistance The resistance of water is directly proportional to its density, the mid-section of the swimmers body and the square of the speed of its movement

WATER VISCOSITY The property of water to resist shear forces; when the temperature of water increases from 20 to 30 °C, its viscosity decreases by about 20 %

WAVE RESISTANCE WHEN SWIMMING Resistance to the swimmers movement, which occurs when he overcomes the forces of gravity and pressure of the water mass shifted in the form of waves When the swimmer moves along the water surface, waves of different size and direction are created. The front part of the body forms transverse and divergent waves, which are distributed on both sides of the body in the form of parallel ridges in a ladder order. Similar, but somewhat smaller waves are formed. at the feet of the swimmer In addition, the movements of the limbs cause waves that diverge in different directions The size of the waves depends on the shape of the body, its vibrations, the amplitude of movement of the arms and legs, the speed of movement of the body, as well as on the depth and size of the pool Wave resistance is 10-15 % of the total water resistance

WAVE-DAMPING DIVIDING TRACK A chain of floats strung on a cord or cable stretched along the length of the pool using rubber tripwires or a mechanical winch, separating the swimming paths from each other and free strips of water along the side walls of the pool; helps to reduce waves that occur when swimmers move

WEDELN (GODIL) a series of short interfaced turns.

WEIGHTLESSNESS HYDROSTATIC The state when a swimmer lies motionless on the water, with his arms stretched out behind his head, and the gravity of the body is balanced by the buoyant force of the water The ability of a swimmer to be in a state of weightlessness is an important indicator of his buoyancy

WIDE SKIS a model of skis that are wider than standard skis, so they dont fall through the snow. It is used for skiing on deep and fluffy snow.

YONER alpine sledge "pare" in an improved form.

ZORB an attraction that consists in the fact that a tourist descends a slope while sitting in a plastic ball.

avalanche simultaneous descent from the mountain tops of a huge amount of snow.

circus a three-dimensional depression in the part of the mountain where the peak begins or at the beginning of the valley.

dolphin Currently, in competitions, the distances that according to the rules must be swum by the butterfly are overcome exclusively by a dolphin The swimmer lies on his chest on the surface of the water almost horizontally, his head is lowered into the water, and simultaneously performs circular symmetrical movements with his hands (in water, the swimmers hands perform a forward stroke in the sides down back Behind the line of the pelvic girdle, they come out of the water up and at the same time almost straight sweep to the sides forward over the water) The legs perform continuous symmetrical simultaneous movements from top to bottom and from bottom to top, the torso-active wave-like movements up and down The inhale occurs at the moment the hands leave the water

glasses a necessary component of ski equipment. It is used to protect the eyes from the effects of sunlight and air flow during downhill skiing.

scraper Sharp metal scraper for leveling the plastic on the sliding surface of the ski

skier An athlete participating in a cross-country skiing competition for the speed of passing a distance

waist the narrowest part of the ski.